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Carbon Full Disc Wheels

Extralight 22mm inner width center lock brake carbon disc wheelUFO-C22 cross-section drawing

Extralight 22mm inner width center lock brake carbon disc wheel

The lightest and most reliable disc wheel in the industry, weighing only 980g.The traditional disc wheel has a faster airflow speed on the drive side ..

1,250.00 USD
Extralight 20mm inner width 26mm external width full disc wheel UFO-C20 cross-section drawing

Extralight 20mm inner width 26mm external width full disc wheel

The lightest and most reliable disc wheel in the industry, weighing only 980g.The traditional disc wheel has a faster airflow speed on the drive side ..

1,250.00 USD
Extralight Tubular carbon disc wheelUFO-T26 cross-section drawing

Extralight Tubular carbon disc wheel

The lightest and most reliable disc wheel in the industry, weighing only 890g.The traditional disc wheel has a faster airflow speed on the drive side ..

1,250.00 USD
Extralight Clincher Track Disc Carbon Wheel TDW-C25 cross-section drawing

Extralight Clincher Track Disc Carbon Wheel

TDW-C25 is a clincher designed carbon disc wheel for track bicycles.It's the lightest and most reliable disc wheel in the industry, weighing just 915/..

1,250.00 USD
Extralight Tubular Track Disc Carbon Wheel TDW-T25 cross-section drawing

Extralight Tubular Track Disc Carbon Wheel

TDW-C25 is a Tubular designed carbon disc wheel for track bicycles.It's the lightest and most reliable disc wheel in the industry, weighing just ..

1,250.00 USD
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)