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Gravel 30-39mm depth Carbon Wheels

30mm depth Gravel/CX Disc carbon wheelsWGX30 cross-section drawing

30mm depth Gravel/CX Disc carbon wheels

BTLOS new 29mm  external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, more aggressive CX and Gra..

600.00 USD
Asymmetric 30mm depth Gravel/CX Disc carbon wheelsetWGX30A cross-section drawing

Asymmetric 30mm depth Gravel/CX Disc carbon wheelset

BTLOS Asymmetric 29mm external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, Asymmetrical de..

600.00 USD
700C 35mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible CX/Gravel Disc Carbon WheelsetWGX35 cross-section drawing

700C 35mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible CX/Gravel Disc Carbon Wheelset

BTLOS 35mm depth 29mm  external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, more aggressive CX ..

600.00 USD
Asymmetric 35mm depth Gravel/CX Disc carbon wheelsetWGX35A cross-section drawing

Asymmetric 35mm depth Gravel/CX Disc carbon wheelset

BTLOS Asymmetric 35mm depth 29mm external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider,..

600.00 USD
30mm depth Gravel/CX Disc Hookless Carbon WheelsWGXL30 cross-section drawing

30mm depth Gravel/CX Disc Hookless Carbon Wheels

WGXL30 carbon wheel hookless design, providing stronger rigidity and better grip and handling. Premium/Standard: BTLOS offers 2 constructions o..

600.00 USD
WGXL35 35mm Deep Hookless Disc Carbon WheelsetWGXL35 cross-section drawing

WGXL35 35mm Deep Hookless Disc Carbon Wheelset

BTLOS WGXL35 35mm deep disc carbon fiber hookless wheelset, light and strong The wide aerodynamic profile provides Premium/Standard: BTLOS offe..

600.00 USD
WGXL35A 35mm Deep Hookless Disc Asymmetrical Carbon WheelsetWGXL35A cross-section drawing

WGXL35A 35mm Deep Hookless Disc Asymmetrical Carbon Wheelset

BTLOS WGXL35A 35mm deep disc carbon fiber hookless asymmetrical wheelset, light and strong The wide aerodynamic profile provides For asym..

600.00 USD
700C 29mm Wide 30mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible Gravel/Cyclocross RimsGX30 cross-section drawing

700C 29mm Wide 30mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible Gravel/Cyclocross Rims

BTLOS new 29mm  external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, more aggressive CX and Gra..

160.00 USD
Asymmetric 700C 29mm External  Wide 30mm Deep Gravel/Cyclocross Carbon RimsGX30A cross-section drawing

Asymmetric 700C 29mm External Wide 30mm Deep Gravel/Cyclocross Carbon Rims

BTLOS Asymmetric 29mm external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, Asymmetrical de..

160.00 USD
700C 35mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible CX/Gravel Disc Carbon RimsGX35 cross-section drawing

700C 35mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible CX/Gravel Disc Carbon Rims

BTLOS 29mm external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, more aggressive CX and Gravel tires ..

160.00 USD
Asymmetric 700C 35mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible CX/Gravel Disc Carbon RimsGX35A cross-section drawing

Asymmetric 700C 35mm Deep Clincher Tubeless Compatible CX/Gravel Disc Carbon Rims

BTLOS Asymmetric 35mm depth 29mm external width (22mm internal) CX/Gravel rim offering improved tire profile and performance for wider, Asymmetrical d..

160.00 USD
700C 29mm Wide 30mm Deep Hookless Disc RimsGXL30 cross-section drawing

700C 29mm Wide 30mm Deep Hookless Disc Rims

GXL30 30mm depth and Hookless design provide stability and more responsive handling and lighter wheel weight. Premium/Standard: BTLOS offers 2 ..

160.00 USD
Showing 1 to 12 of 18 (2 Pages)